Marisa Moreira


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    Outpatient use of mifepristone and misoprostol before and after 8 weeks gestation

    Marisa Moreira, Renato Martins, Teresa Bombas, Teresa Sousa Fernandes, Manuel Pitorra, Maria Céu Almeida, Paulo Moura (Portugal)

    Genetics, Reproductions and Fetal Maternal Medicine Department, Coimbra University Hospitals, and Bissaya Barreto Maternity, Coimbra Hospital Center, Portugal

    Introduction. Since 16th of July of 2007, abortion is legal by women request before 10 weeks. The use of medical abortion is associated with lower complications. According to OMS protocols, the use of Mifeprostone and Misoprostol for abortion in out patient therapy can be used, for early pregnancies.

    Objectives. We analyzed the use of medical therapy in abortions under 10 weeks gestational age comparing two groups – under 8 weeks (Group 1) and between 8 and 10 weeks (Group 2).

    Material and Methods. We analyzed the clinical reports of women that came for abortion, during one year of experience, since 16th of July of 2007, in both medical facilities of Coimbra.

    Results. We included 600 women. The average age was 28.2 ± 7.6 years. Most women are Portuguese (about 90%) and lived in Coimbra. More than half of these women are married and live with their partner. The authors split these women into 2 different groups: Group 1 (before 8 weeks gestacional age) with 450 women, and Group 2 (between 8 and 10 weeks) - 150. Both groups showed no statistical difference in all demographic aspects analysed. In terms of abortion method, correlation between the 2 groups revealed no statistical difference. Both groups revealed 5% complications, mainly due to failure of medical therapy. Between the two groups no statistical difference was found in terms of complications.

    Conclusions.The use of medical abortion in out patient regimen can be safely used. The authors showed in this study that results between two different groups had no statistical significance. Moreover, when questioned, patients showed a high level of satisfaction with this protocol.