Pedro Peña Coello


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    The role of the doctor

    Pedro Peña Coello (Sp)

    Clinica Campo de Gibraltar

    San Roque Cádiz, Spain


    The emergency contraception’s objective is to avoid a non-desired pregnancy in case of having had unprotected intercourse.  We know that a large percentage of these intercourse’s end in non-desired pregnancies (NDP), which usually are terminated with an abortion, which we all intend to avoid.


    The most frequently used molecule today as a contraceptive is the LEVONORGESTREL, a highly recognized and used drug, secure, functional and with almost no side- effects.  How many over the counter drugs with these characteristics are available today?


    The association which I represent (ACAI) believes unanimously that the benefits to any easy access to apc are larger than the risks.


    We largely defend that APC could be recommended, given, or prescribed by any person with minimum health information about this subject, health agents, sexual educators, social workers, nurses, doctors, or pharmacists.

    We believe that us doctors have a great responsibility; therefore, our role is an important one concerning the investigation, prevention, education, and care of the sexual and reproductive education, but not necessarily nor obligatory the APC should be given by medical authorization.