Andreja Štolfa Gruntar



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    Women’s preference for medical or surgical
    method of termination of pregnancy at 9–12 weeks
    of gestation
    Dewart, H1; Johnstone, A2; Cameron, S2
    1 Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK; 2 Chalmers Sexual and
    Reproductive Health Service, UK
    Background and methods: Medical termination of pregnancy
    (TOP) at less than 9 weeks of gestation and in the second
    trimester, using mifepristone and misoprostol is well established
    in Scotland. Although there is good evidence to support the
    efficacy, safety and acceptability of medical TOP in the late first
    trimester (9–12 weeks), it is not widely available. The TOP service
    in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK currently offers only a surgical
    method at this gestation band. A survey of women presenting to
    this service at 9–12 weeks of gestation was conducted to
    determine whether these women would choose a medical method
    if this were available.
    Results: Questionnaires were completed by a convenience sample
    of 77 women over 5 months, representing 49% of all women at
    this gestation during the study period. Women were of mean age
    24.7 years (range 15–42). Most women (n = 51; 66%) stated that
    they would choose a medical TOP if able to do so and a further
    10 (13%) were unsure about preference of method. Most women
    (n = 43; 56%) stated that they would still choose the medical
    method, if they had to travel to another hospital (40 km away) to
    have this. The commonest responses (out of 46 given) for
    preferring a medical method was a perception that it was safer
    (37%), easier (30%) and less invasive (28%).
    Discussion and conclusions: Most women in our survey at 9–
    12 weeks of gestation would in theory choose a medical method
    of TOP, if this were available. Consideration should now be given
    to offering this method to women as an alternative to surgery.