The Conference took place in the Virchow-Langenbeck-Haus, in Berlin (Mitte). Here you can download the Abstractbook.
We thank everybody who helped and all attendees.
Scientific Board:
Elisabeth Aubény (France), Christian Fiala (Austria), Kristina Gemzell (Sweden), Mirella Parachini (Italy), Sam Rowlands (United Kingdom), Anne Verougstraete (Belgium)
Local organising committee:
Ulrike Busch, Christian Fiala, Gabriele Halder, Blanka Kothe, Sybill Schulz, Christiane Tennhardt
FIAPAC organising committee:
FIAPAC Kongressorganisation, Vienna, Austria
supported by → Gynmed Ambulatorium, Austria
Golden Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
The following companies are also represented with a booth: