Paris, 24-25 Noviembre 2000: „Fourth FIAPAC-Konferenz“
10:30Abortos de riesgo ¿Cómo detectarlos?Chair:- Pierre Moonens, BE
15:30Contraception post-abortumChair:- Paul Cesbron, FR
- Kristina Hänel-Groh, DE
- Dominique Roynet, BE
17:30La ley que regula el aborto en diferentes paísesChair:- Paul Cesbron, FR
- Dominique Roynet, BE
- Pierre Moonens, BE (all speeches)
Termination has been legal since 1990.
It is authorised on the demand of the woman and on medical grounds up to 14
weeks of amenorrhoea.
The woman has to declare that she is in a situation of distress, and must make
her request in written form.
Beyond 14 weeks of amenorrhoea, termination is possible only after the
consent of two doctors, provided that there is a serious health risk to the
woman, or if there is an abnormality of the foetus.
There is a mandatory waiting period after the first counselling of 6 days. -
- Henri Goldstein, DK (all speeches)
Since 1973, termination has been authorised up to 14 weeks of amenorrhoea.
Beyond 14 weeks a woman must apply to a committee, though these take very
liberal views.
For minors under 18 years of age, the authorisation of the parents or of the
committee is necessary. -
- Anni Bureau, FR (all speeches)
Termination is allowed up to 14 weeks of amenorrhoea, on demand by the
A waiting period of 7 days for reconsideration is required between the first
counselling and the abortion procedure.
Counselling is offered but not obligatory.
Minors need the consent of their parents. If that is not possible, they can
choose a responsible adult, who will accompany them. -
- F. Stapf, DE (all speeches)
Abortion is allowed up to 14 weeks of amenorrhoea.
A session of counselling must take place at least 3 days before the procedure.
A woman who is doing an abortion abroad, without prior counselling risks a
legal procedure.
Minors need parental consent from their parents for an abortion. The Courts
can oppose abortions for minors.
Establishments performing abortions are under the jurisdiction of the regional
government. The price of an abortion is reimbursed by the state in most cases,
depending on the income of the women.
All publicity concerning abortion is forbidden. -
- Ann Furedi, GB (all speeches)
- Mary Short, IE (all speeches)
The law is strict in theory but flexible in its application. Two doctors must
assess the physical or mental risk to the patient, and give their consent.
Termination is allowed up to the 24th week of amenorrhoea. -
- Maria Francès- Kircz, NL (all speeches)
Since 1984, termination has been authorised on the decision of the woman
alone No time limit is specified, but it is rare for 22 weeks of amenorrhoea to
be passed. The procedures are carried out in private, non-profit-making
centres, and are strictly registered. -
The law legalising abortion came into force in 1978, the limit is 12 weeks of
amenorrhoea. A medical certificate is necessary, and a waiting period of 7 days
has to be respected. Terminations are performed in the public sector. Access
varies from one region to another. -
The law on abortion has been deleted in 1988. Since, there is no law governing
abortion. The procedure is therefore subject to an agreement between the women and her doctor, as with any other medical treatment. The availability of
terminations depends on the good will of the doctors. There are 30,000
terminations in Quebec; 125.000 for the whole of Canada. -
- Eva Rodriguez, ES (all speeches)
Termination is allowed up to 22 weeks of amenorrhoea, with no requirement
for a waiting period. 97.3% of terminations are done for psychological reasons;
15% concern adolescents.
The private sector performs 97% of terminations. Although the law is
restrictive, access to termination is good. There is a need, however, for fairer
legislation. The present reporting system is insufficient. -
Since 1975, abortion has been authorised up to 18 weeks of amenorrhoea.
There are 30,000 terminations a year. -
- Anne-Marie Rey, CH (all speeches)
Since 1942, abortion has been authorised if the woman’s life is in danger. A
certificate signed by 2 doctors is required. The law is strict in theory, but very
flexible in its application. Terminations are performed in hospitals, in clinics
and private practice. -
Since 1973, throughout the county, abortion is legal on the demand of the
woman alone, during the first trimester of pregnancy. For the second trimester
of pregnancy, laws vary in different states. For the third trimester of
pregnancy, throughout the entire USA, abortion is authorised only to save the
life of the woman.
The PROLIFE movement is very powerful, and access to the centres is difficult.
There is a serious shortage of trained staff.