Call for abstracts

Deadline: 1 June 2024.

The deadline has passed.

Please contact the administrator by email if you have any questions.

The Conference will feature a large number of oral presentations and a display of posters from all areas of research and practice:

  • Legal Aspects
  • Unsafe or Safe Abortions
  • Initiatives Politics and Society
  • Medical Abortion
  • Surgical Abortion
  • Second Trimester and More
  • Pain and Risk Management
  • Counselling
  • Ethical Debate
  • After an abortion
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Contraception
  • Statistics
  • Historical Aspects
  • Emergency contraception
  • Education
  • Conscientious Objection

Presenters will be required to register for the Conference and pay the applicable registration fee.

The authors will be informed by 25 July 2024 whether their abstracts have been accepted for presentation.
The presenting authors, whose abstracts are accepted for presentation, must register for the congress and will be able to pay the early registration fee if the notification arrives after the early registration fee date.